================= How to Contribute ================= For any contributions to be accepted you first need to print, sign, scan and email a copy of the `CLA `_ to `mailto:cla@simpleinjector.org `_ We request that changes are only made after a `discussion `_ and that each change has a related and assigned issue. Changes that do not relate to an approved issue may not be accepted. A feature or bugfix branch will be assigned to the issue. Pull requests on an unrelated branch (such as the `master` branch) will not be accepted. Once you have completed your changes: #. Follow `10 tips for better Pull Requests `_. #. Make sure all existing and new unit tests pass. #. Unit tests must conform to `Roy Osherove's Naming Standards for Unit Tests `_ and the `AAA pattern `_ must be documented explicitly in each test. #. Make sure it compiles in both Debug and Release mode (xml comments are only checked in the release build). #. Make sure there are no `StyleCop `_ warnings {Ctrl + Shift + Y} #. Our maximum line width for code files is 110 characters. #. Make sure the project can be built using the **build.bat**. #. Submit one or multiple pull requests (see the above 10 tips)